The Let's Play Archive


by Sylphid

Part 77: Ruthless Warrior of the Turbulent Times - Lu Bu - Part 2

Lu Bu 2

So, Lu Bu's in-series history...well, he honestly doesn't really have a lot. He first appeared in EXTRA, would reappear in CCC, and had a very small role in FGO's main storyline. He had a bit more prominent role in the game's Journey to the West event, but overall...there's just not a whole lot to say about his in-universe lore. The fate of Berserkers who can't talk tends to be cruel, or maybe it's just him. Both Lancelot and Heracles can't talk, and they're pretty recognizable dudes. Lu Bu just happens to be on the low end of that spectrum.

Well, a remixed version of Orchid Words 2 awaits.

All these back-to-back fights, without a real mana break, must be a strain on your Spirit Core. But you keep on pushing forward, no matter who's in your way, and I have to respect that.

▂▂▃▃▅▅ ... (I am Lu Bu. I fight alone, and need no others by my side.)

Good point. All right, I'll just focus on the fight up ahead. Plenty of enemies, of course, but I can't imagine that matters much to you, Great General.

Huh, Karna is the Han Solo in this scenario. Which means he knows all about Lu Bu's ultimate objective...

▂▂▃▃▅▅▂▂▃▃▅▅▂▂▃▃▅▅--!! (There will be no mercy. Know that I am he who slaughters armies.)

Orchid Words 2 was the only stage that used the "Neutral Sectors" gimmick, and of course, it would be in your best interest to take over as many as fast as possible. Of course, we have two marauding adversaries, Li Shuwen and Gawain, ready to trouble us considerably as they try to do the same. Gawain will go after Medusa eventually, while Li Shuwen will consolidate his faction's hold on the south. As for Medusa, she'll go for the enemy-held Sector in the north. Ideally you'd want to cut Gawain off before he can attack the Neutral Sector, because enemy Servants will very quickly capture them once they've invaded.

However, in my telling, I went to conquer the top half of the south first, then go after Gawain. Like to shake things up, and Gawain can have his fun for a bit, I suppose. Li Shuwen's gonna be having a rough time of it, though, especially when I'm finished with his friend.

Ah, a classic gorilla vs. gorilla fight. This is a pretty good matchup for Lu Bu, since he has two long-range attacks and Gawain has none. He attacks quite a bit faster than Lu Bu, however, so choose openings carefully to avoid taking a large amount of damage. Of course, to make no mention of the fact his Moon Drive can tear apart anything in the game.

Not the news I wanted to receive, unfortunately. Three enemy Sectors will two enemy Servants and a Plant to fight. Joy of joys.

It's quite perilous to fight two enemy Servants, both of whom are much faster than you, while you're trying to do the least amount of damage you can to one target and the maximum to another. There's no really good strategy to dealing with this particular set of circumstances, except just to do just that to the best of your ability. My strategy with Li is just to bring maximum damage possible whenever he's open and try to follow-up in the air, where Nameless' odds of interrupting are lower. Even so, it involves a lot of dashing around in tight spaces, which the camera doesn't handle too well. These two are much easier fought in a wide open area where you can separate them easier.

But in the end, we did it.

About as smooth as any Lu Bu Hard EX rank can go... Oh, and thanks to this stage, our third and final main heroine, Altera, reached the fabled bond level 30.

You must be so very tired. How much mana do you have left? Not much, I'd imagine. Please do make sure to rest up all you want. Yes, everybody send Lu Bu lots of mana before the next battle!

▂▂▃▃▅▅... (I am indeed tired. I will hunt you tomorrow, fox.)

That Lu Bu is so calm... Like, by Lu Bu standards, I mean. He must be some kind of monster, taking on those giant hordes twice in a row.

It's impressive. He truly is the great warrior who carved his name into the Middle Kingdom.

But he must have consumed a great deal of mana. We should handle the fighting without him for now.

...Right, I understand.

▂▂▃▃▅▅... (There are even stronger enemies ahead... I don't have enough mana left... Chen Gong, replenish me...)